måndag 28 december 2009

The Arrival

After a 17h flight trip, approximately 2h's delay and some running at the
Heathrow airport we have finally arrived in Japan!

Due to lack of sleep and sore feet we decided that our first day in Tokyo should
be a easy one. We took a stroll around the neighbourhood to take in the
atmosphere and look for lunch. Lunch arrived at 16 and the first meal was
curry rice and noodle soup for Robin and a udon soup with onions for Nhina.

The people here are very nice and polite. It is just to bad that none of us can
quite understand all that they're saying. Despite that they still seem very
eager to talk to me. Robin thinks I should get one of those t-shirts that says
"I don't speak japanese" in japanese. But despite the language barrier the
kind lady at the noodleshop helped us order via the rather tricky cupon vending
machine (tricky if everything's in kanji and you don't have a clue what you're
actually ordering)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Jag är så grymt avundsjuk på er båda :O Nästan så jag ångrar att jag köpte en platt-tv idag och skulle sparat pengarna till en biljett istället :O

  2. Aaah ni verkar ah det jättekul :3
    Bra det :D

  3. Hahaha, jag hatar också grönt iste. ;D om det nu var det ni köpte. Passa er för dem med sjögrässmak ;D

  4. ååh hoppas ni har superskoj därborta. lev lite för oss andra hemma i Sverige, och köp gärna med nåt sött hem till mig ;) eller skicka ett vykort. eller båda.

  5. Jag älskar videobloggarna! Underbara! Mer sådant!
