tisdag 29 december 2009


After taking the stairs up and down a couple of times on Shinjuku station we acidentally
ended up on the same platform as we started out on, just on the other side. But we got
there and that's all that matter's ^^
Akihabara hits you like a big colourful sign right in the face. I first noiced while still on
the train a huge commercial sign for Final Fantasy XIII and then it just kept on.
There are atleast 5 floors in every building full with electronics, manga, anime, games,
plastic figures and all that nerdy stuff for you to roll in.

Today we went to Akihabara to experience some of the nerdy part of Tokyo ^^

Robin found a FFXIII "elexir" that was very alike Sprite. Even though he intended to find
a naugthy plastic figureen he ended up with a Yuffie from Final Fantasy Advent Children.

Nhina found herself a big and soft Totoro. And we really have to get to the Studio Ghibli
museum in Mitaka. We just have to figure out how to buy the tickets via the Loppi machines
(all in japanese).

In an 8 floor building filled with manga we strolled around the isles and just took in
the atmosphere in such a special place like that. Science Fiction Bokhandeln in Gbg & Sthlm,
fades in comparison to the ones in Japan.
In another store Nhina came to illustrator's heaven haha. The assortments of pens was a big
different than in Sweden with a much cheaper price. So she bought 6 pens and intends to
buy more! ^^


Robin's camera was constantly out of the bag and he spent a lot of time at this particular crossing.
Then we both took a look in the arcade halls were people spent thousands of yen just to get that
special prize (because everyone wants a pillow shaped like a girl...).
Later in the evening we tried out the restaurant that's just next to our front door. And we had
a little surprise when Robins food came in.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Aaaah, vad är det som rör sig? xD

    Såg ni många otakus? :D När vi är i Akiba så failar vi alltid och hamnar mitt i alla porrbutiker :S Har ni varit på donki än? :D Det största och coolaste ligger i Akiba :D (akihabara)
    Typ fem miljoner våningar med ALLT! Verkligen favorit affär. :D

    Ska bli massa kul att ses idag :D

  2. Hej på er båda.
    Fick din adress genom pappa.Roligt och se vad ni gör.Det såg inte så gott ut det som rörde sig,men det kanske det var!!!!Ha det vi hörs

  3. Det är bara goda fiskflingor som rör på sig pga av värmen i maten :D
